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Common Name Alderfly Larvae
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Megaloptera
Family Sialidae
Description 10-25mm, not including tail. They have large heads and robust, toothed jaws that protrude forward. The end of their body has a single long, tapering filament fringed with fine hairs. For more photos, refer to our online gallery:
Habitat Lentic-littoral, lotic-depositional. Larvae are found in various types and sizes of freshwater bodies. Most commonly found where the bottom is soft and composed of mud and silt because of the large accumulation of organic matter.
Feeding Information Engulfer-predators. Feeds on small aquatic invertebrates beneath the mud and on the bottom. They usually do not capture large prey.
Water Quality Tolerance Mostly facultative while some species are very tolerant. They can usually tolerate adverse conditions such as organic waste, low DO, and high concentrations of metals.
References Voshell & Wright. 2002.