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Common Name Common Stonefly Larvae
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Plecoptera
Family Perlidae
Description 8-30mm, not including antennae or tails. They have dense tufts of branching filamentous gills on the bottom of the thorax. Their bottom lip is notched and has two finger-like projections. For more photos, refer to our online gallery:
Habitat Primarily lotic-erotional, but also lentic-erosional (rocky, wave-swept shores). Most common Perlidae are found in cool, clear streams of small to medium size and prefer the faster currents in riffles, but some live near the bottom of streams where the current is slower.
Feeding Information Opportunistic engulfer-predators.They consume midges, black flies, other stoneflies, beetles, crustaceans, and other invertebrates.
Water Quality Tolerance Chiefly very sensitive, others facultative.
References Voshell & Wright. 2002.