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Common Name Horsefly Larvae
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Diptera
Family Tabanidae
Description 11-60mm. The body is cylindrical and tapers on both ends. The first seven abdominal segments are surrounded by fleshy welts or prolegs arranged in a circle. They do not have any tails, breathing tubes, lobes, or prolegs on the end of the abdomen.
Habitat Lentic-littoral, lotic-depositional. Aquatic species live in the sediment on the bottom of ponds, marshes and streams. Semi-aquatic species live in mud in various aquatic habitats. Some are found in sand and gravel on the bottom of streams.
Feeding Information Uses the two sharp hooks on their mouthparts to create holes in their prey before inserting their head to consume fluids and soft tissue. Commonly consumes aquatic worms, although they would likely consume any invertebrate they encounter.
Water Quality Tolerance Somewhat tolerant to very tolerant.
References Voshell & Wright. 2002.