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Common Name Little Stout Crawler Mayfly
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Ephemeroptera
Family Leptohyphidae
Description 3-10mm, not including antennae and tails. Dorsally, they have a pair of large, thick, movable plates that cover their gills. They are shaped nearly like triangles. Their gills do not have any fringe. For more photos, refer to our online gallery: tinyurl.com/r85p2e5
Habitat Primarily lotic-depositional, some lentic-littoral. Common in flowing waters but can be found only in areas of slow current. They reside in silt, fine sand, woody debris, and at the bases of aquatic vegetation.
Feeding Information Collector-gatherers.
Water Quality Tolerance Facultative. Unlike most mayflies, Leptohyphidae larvae may be abundant in warm, still streams with reduced DO concentrations.
References Voshell & Wright. 2002.