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Common Name Rat-tailed Maggot
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Diptera
Family Syrphidae
Description 4-16mm, not including breathing tube. Up to 70mm with breathing tube extended. Syrphidae larvae are cylindrical and chubby with soft skin that's wrinkly all over. The last segment has a single, long, thin breathing tube that can be several times longer than its body when fully extended.
Habitat Lentic-littorical and lentic-depositional. Syrphidae larvae are usually found where there is a lot of decaying organic matter. They can survive in water completely devoid of water and are thus often found immediately below sewage discharges and in oxidation lagoons.
Feeding Information Collector-gatherers who eat decaying organic matter.
Water Quality Tolerance Very tolerant. They are one of the few invertebrates that can be found in ponds and lagoons engineered for organic waste disposal and are thus a great indicator of intense organic waste pollution.
References Voshell & Wright. 2002.