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Common Name Spreadwinged Damselflies Nymph
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Odonata-Zygoptera
Family Lestidae
Description 20-92mm, not including gills. Their antennae segments are of roughly equal length. Their lower lip is especially elongated and widens further away from the body, resembling a spoon. Their gills are the same length and have branched veins that are parallel and join the main stem perpendicularly. For more photos, refer to our online gallery: tinyurl.com/ta7lzr6. This particular specimen has a damaged abdomen.
Habitat Primarily lentic-littoral. Nymph always live on vegetation and can be found in ponds, small lakes, marshes, swamps, and ditches.
Feeding Information Engulfer-predators.
Water Quality Tolerance Very tolerant.
References Voshell & Wright. 2002.