
Common Name Family Genus Species
Magnolia Warbler specimen Magnolia Warbler Parulidae Dendroica magnolia
Mallard specimen Mallard Anatidae Anas platyrhyncos
Cedar Waxwing specimen Cedar Waxwing Bombycillidae Bombycillia cedrorum
American Goldfinch specimen American Goldfinch Fringillidae Carduelis tristis
Veery specimen Veery Cinclidae Catharus fuscescens
Belted Kingfisher specimen Belted Kingfisher Alcedinidae Ceryle alcyon
White Winged Crossbill specimen White Winged Crossbill Icteridae Loxia leucoptera
Gray Catbird specimen Gray Catbird Mimidae Dumetella carolinensis
Oven Bird specimen Oven Bird Parulidae Seiurus aurocapillus
Great-crested Flycatcher specimen Great-crested Flycatcher Tyrannidae Myiarchus crinitus
Swainson's Thrush specimen Swainson's Thrush Turdidae Catharus ustulatus
Snow Bunting specimen Snow Bunting Calcariidae Plectrophenax nivalis
Eastern Wood Pewee specimen Eastern Wood Pewee Tyrannidae Contopus virens
Eastern Screech Owl specimen Eastern Screech Owl Strigidae Otus asio
Snowy Owl specimen Snowy Owl Strigidae Bubo scandiacus
Ring-necked Pheasant specimen Ring-necked Pheasant Phasianidae Phasianus colchicus
Eastern Kingbird specimen Eastern Kingbird Tyrannidae Tyrannus tyrannus
Mourning Dove specimen Mourning Dove Columbidae Zenaida macroura
Rose Breasted Grosbeak specimen Rose Breasted Grosbeak Cardinalidae Peucticus ludovicianus
Baltimore Oriole specimen Baltimore Oriole Icteridae Icterus galbula
Indigo Bunting specimen Indigo Bunting Cardinalidae Passerina cyanea
Black and White Warbler specimen Black and White Warbler Parulidae Mniotila varia
Common Yellow Throat Warbler specimen Common Yellow Throat Warbler Parulidae Dendroica dominica
Common Grackle specimen Common Grackle Icteridae Quiscalus quiscula
Red-headed Woodpecker specimen Red-headed Woodpecker Picidae Melanerpes erythrocephalus
Northern Flicker specimen Northern Flicker Picidae Colaptes auratus
Hooded Merganser specimen Hooded Merganser Anatidae Lophodytes cucullatus
Black-billed Cukoo specimen Black-billed Cukoo Cuculidae Coccyzus erythropthalmus
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-coloured) specimen Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-coloured) Emberizidae Junco hyemalis
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) specimen Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) Parulidae Dendroica coronata
Northern Goshawk specimen Northern Goshawk Accipitridae Accipiter gentilis
Ruffed Grouse specimen Ruffed Grouse Phasianidae Bonasa umbellus
Blackburnian Warbler specimen Blackburnian Warbler Parulidae Dendroica fusca
Great Horned Owl specimen Great Horned Owl Strigidae Bubo virginianus
Evening Grosbeak specimen Evening Grosbeak Fringillidae Coccothraustes vespertinus