
Title Author ISBN Edition Number of Copies
collection item placeholder American Wildlife and Plants: A Guide to Wildlife Food Habits Alexander C. Martin; Herbert S. Zim; Arnold L. Nelson 0-486-20793-5 1st 2
collection item placeholder Guide to Weed Control: 2008-2009 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs n/a 1st 1
collection item placeholder Ontario Weeds J. F. Alex; C. M. Switzer n/a 1
collection item placeholder Ontario Weeds F. H. Montgomery; C. M. Switzer n/a 1
collection item placeholder Weeds of Canada 7
collection item placeholder The Biology of Canadian Weeds Gerald A. Mulligan 0-662-10668-7 1st 1
collection item placeholder Weeds of Canada Clarence Frankton; Gerald A. Mulligan B0027ITPMM 2nd 2
collection item placeholder Weeds of Canada Clarence Frankton; W. H. Write A43-948 1
collection item placeholder Weeds of Canada and the Northern United States France Royer; Richard Dickinson 0-88864-311-X 1st 2
collection item placeholder Weed Control in Lawns and Gardens J. F. Alex; J. C. Hall; Ministry of Agriculture and Food 0-7729-7090-4 1st 2
collection item placeholder Weeds Alexander C. Martin n/a 1st 1
collection item placeholder Wildflowers and Winter Weeds Lauren Brown 0-393-31678-5 1st 5
collection item placeholder Ontario Weeds 3
collection item placeholder Common Aquatic Weeds L. W. Weldon; R. D. Blackburn; D. S. Harrison 0-486-20009-4 1st 1
collection item placeholder Ontario Weeds 4
collection item placeholder Ontario Weeds 5
collection item placeholder Wildflowers and Weeds
collection item placeholder Weeds of the Woods
collection item placeholder Selected Weeds of the United States
collection item placeholder Weeds of Canada and the Northern United States
collection item placeholder Weeds in Winter