
Common name Family Genus Species
Common Bearberry; Sandberry specimen Common Bearberry; Sandberry Ericaceae Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Black Crowberry; Heathberry specimen Black Crowberry; Heathberry Ericaceae Empetrum nigrum
White Clover; Dutch Clover specimen White Clover; Dutch Clover Fabaceae Trifolium repens
Common Horsetail; Field Horsetail specimen Common Horsetail; Field Horsetail Equisetaceae Equisetum arvense
Wood Fern specimen Wood Fern Dryopteridaceae Dryopteris X triploidea
Meadow Horsetail; Thicket Horsetail specimen Meadow Horsetail; Thicket Horsetail Equisetaceae Equisetum pratense
Boott's Shield Fern; Wood Fern specimen Boott's Shield Fern; Wood Fern Dryopteridaceae Dryopteris X boottii
Bog Laurel; Pale Laurel specimen Bog Laurel; Pale Laurel Ericaceae Kalmia polifolia
Black Huckleberry specimen Black Huckleberry Ericaceae Gaylussacia baccata
Velvet-leaf Blueberry; Sour-top Blueberry specimen Velvet-leaf Blueberry; Sour-top Blueberry Ericaceae Vaccinium myrtilloides
Snow on the Mountain Spurge; Ghostweed specimen Snow on the Mountain Spurge; Ghostweed Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia marginata
Ribseed Sandmat specimen Ribseed Sandmat Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia glyptosperma
Sun Spurge; Wart Spurge  specimen Sun Spurge; Wart Spurge Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia helioscopia
Highbush Blueberry; Tall Blueberry specimen Highbush Blueberry; Tall Blueberry Ericaceae Vaccinium corymbosum
Flowering Spurge; Blooming Spurge specimen Flowering Spurge; Blooming Spurge Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia corollata
American Cranberry; Large Cranberry specimen American Cranberry; Large Cranberry Ericaceae Vaccinium macrocarpon
Labrador Tea; Greenland Labrador-tea specimen Labrador Tea; Greenland Labrador-tea Ericaceae Ledum groenlandicum
Panicled Tick-trefoil specimen Panicled Tick-trefoil Fabaceae Desmodium paniculatum
Stockpod locoweed specimen Stockpod locoweed Fabaceae Oxytropis podocarpa
Leafy Spurge specimen Leafy Spurge Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia esula
Creeping Snowberry; Moxieplum  specimen Creeping Snowberry; Moxieplum Ericaceae Gaultheria hispidula
Chinqaupin Oak; Yellow Oak specimen Chinqaupin Oak; Yellow Oak Fagaceae Quercus muehlenbergii
Field Oxytrope; Late Yellow Locoweed specimen Field Oxytrope; Late Yellow Locoweed Fabaceae Oxytropis campestris
Variable Crown Vetch; Trailing Crown Vetch specimen Variable Crown Vetch; Trailing Crown Vetch Fabaceae Securigera varia
Purple Vetch specimen Purple Vetch Fabaceae Vicia villosa
Scarlet Oak specimen Scarlet Oak Fagaceae Quercus coccinea
Northern Pin Oak; Hill's Oak specimen Northern Pin Oak; Hill's Oak Fagaceae Quercus ellipsoidalis
Illinois Tick-trefoil specimen Illinois Tick-trefoil Fabaceae Desmodium illinoense
Common Storksbill; Redstem Filaree specimen Common Storksbill; Redstem Filaree Geraniaceae Erodium cicutarium
Maiden-Hair Tree; Ginkgo specimen Maiden-Hair Tree; Ginkgo Ginkgoaceae Ginkgo biloba
Small-flowered Geranium; Small-flowered Crane's-bill specimen Small-flowered Geranium; Small-flowered Crane's-bill Geraniaceae Geranium pusillum
Northern Reed Grass specimen Northern Reed Grass Poaceae Calamagrostis stricta
Golden Corydalis; Scrambled Eggs specimen Golden Corydalis; Scrambled Eggs Papaveraceae Corydalis aurea
Red Oak; Northern Red Oak specimen Red Oak; Northern Red Oak Fagaceae Quercus rubra
Meadow Crane's-bill; Meadow Geranium specimen Meadow Crane's-bill; Meadow Geranium Geraniaceae Geranium pratense
Yellow Bartonia; Yellow Screwstem specimen Yellow Bartonia; Yellow Screwstem Gentianaceae Bartonia virginica
Watermillfoil specimen Watermillfoil Haloragaceae Myriophyllum sp.
Agueweed specimen Agueweed Gentianaceae Calamagrostis quinquefolia
collection item placeholder Smooth Brome Gentianaceae Swertia inermis
Squirrel Corn; Bleeding-heart specimen Squirrel Corn; Bleeding-heart Papaveraceae Dicentra canadensis
Virginia Waterleaf specimen Virginia Waterleaf Boraginaceae Hydrophyllum virginianum
Black Walnut; American Walnut specimen Black Walnut; American Walnut Juglandaceae Juglans nigra
Common St. John's-wort specimen Common St. John's-wort Clusiaceae Hypericum perforatum
Common Woodrush; Many-flowered Woodrush specimen Common Woodrush; Many-flowered Woodrush Juncaceae Luzula multiflora
Black-fruited Woodrush; Smallflowered Woodbrush specimen Black-fruited Woodrush; Smallflowered Woodbrush Juncaceae Luzula parviflora
Drummond's Rush specimen Drummond's Rush Juncaceae Juncus drummondii
White Blue-eyed Grass specimen White Blue-eyed Grass Iridaceae Sisyrinchium albidum
Black-grass Loisel specimen Black-grass Loisel Juncaceae Juncus gerardii
Appendaged Waterleaf; Great Waterleaf specimen Appendaged Waterleaf; Great Waterleaf Boraginaceae Hydrophyllum appendiculatum
Lake Quillwort; Big Spore quillwort specimen Lake Quillwort; Big Spore quillwort Isoetaceae Isoetes lacustris