Cladina stellaris

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Common Name Star-tipped Reindeer Lichen; Star Reindeer Lichen; Star-nosed Reindeer Lichen
Family Cladoniaceae
Genus Cladina
Species stellaris
Synonyms Cladonia stellaris: Cladonia alpestris; Cenomyce stellaris
Comments Extremely important winter food for animals as it is preferred to all other reindeer lichens. It is also a source of usnic acid which is used to make topical ointments due to its antibiotic properties.
Location Found University of Waterloo
Growth Structure Fruticose
Environmental Monitoring It is an indicator species for acid rain in the environment.
References Brodo et al, 2001.; Consortium of North American Lichen Herbaria (CNALH), n.d.; Newmaster & Ragupathy, 2012.; Thormann, 2006.